Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sonic Generations (HD)

(The following is my first review officially for this blog, but was done a little over a year ago. I hope you who are reading it here will enjoy it. A bit wordy but hey, that's how a Sonic fan like me can get sometimes. :P ~ Haru )

It may be short-lived, it may be bittersweet, but trust my words when I say that Sonic The Hedgehog has returned completely. Let's celebrate his 20 years together and welcome him back the best way we can: with a game that brings to you, the fan, everything that is his best in one single game.

It's okay guys, you don't have to be worried anymore.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Initial Test Post: welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

Here I will be posting reviews, impressions, and general looks on a lot of things nerdy from movies, anime, video games, manga....and ponies. (IE: My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic)

Going to get myself used to the layout and settings on this site and with an early work schedule tomorrow I may start posting content as early as later in the week...don't come into this blog expecting me to always be doing the 'brand new thang' that's been released as I like to just write up posts as I go along (that and I have a very long backlog of entertainment to go through :P) so please wait patiently!

- Mr.Haru, "Mr Hard Reviewer" himself.