Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Highschool of the Dead ~ Review ~

Note: This review is of a mature anime series. If you're a prude to fanservice, or not able to handle semi-gory action sequences and lots of blood, ignore this anime and review right now.
Carry on, otherwise. ~ Haru

It's time that I revisit this great anime, because back when I originally reviewed it on Facebook, I didn't feel like I gave it as thorough of a look as I should have done. Thus, I invite all of you fellow fans of zombies, breasts, highschool girls, and action, to give this new article here a read and enjoy! If you've been on the fence of this series then let me introduce you formally to Highschool of The Dead!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Before This Review is Dry

You know, it's amazing what a tiny little studio can do with all the time in the world, a (relatively) decent budget, and a fiery passion to make something as crazy action packed as possible while still telling a gripping story. It's not going to blow you away by its appropriately paced 24 episodes, its unexpected underlying themes of how a woman learns to not let the fashion she wears rule or embarrass her, or the twists of that the ultimate villain is the contemporary nature of fashion itself...but rather how ALL OF THESE ELEMENTS COMBINE and within an action scene that is always in your face. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Retro Review: Sonic 3D Blast

Sonic's games are a funny experiment in watching its main house studio flop around like a Magikarp trying to figure out what best way to get gamers buying their products. The earliest 'experiment' I fondly remember playing was Dr.Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and..well.....I don't own that game anymore because of how meh it played. Sonic's 3D Blast however was a way of showing "Hey we have an idea and it may be rough around the edges...but play it and see what you think!" and you know what? It's pretty good still to this day.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Retro Review 2: Aladdin

Sorry for the tongue-in-cheek header there, but I felt like boasting that since Aladdin for the SEGA Genesis is a brutal game rife with "It's hard, therefore it's also good." gameplay tropes of ye olde video games. But that's okay, because it's not just a phrase, Aladdin actually IS a really enjoyable game from start to finish...and...it's a lot shorter than I remembered, too.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Retro Review 1: Toy Story

I think it's time to finally dial the reviews back...back to a simpler age in video games and time...time to go to cartridges and ye olde consoles! Starting with the SEGA Genesis we're going to go right into Toy Story which I think is a pretty solid platfo-...uh...raci-...er....movie game. :S

Monday, February 17, 2014

Highschool DxD Review

Ah...first review of the year, and that means many more opportunities; opportunities to be surprised at what entertainment out there exists. When it comes to surprises, Highschool DxD is another jewel up there with "anime that should have gone off the deep end on slutty T&A fanservice, but actually has a lot to give to the viewer as a story and likeable characters" like Cat Planet Cuties. Basically, if you're going to recommend a sexy anime that has fanservice AND a story that may be better than you were expecting (whether or not it's cliche or typical) you should give Highschool DxD a try and I'm going to tell you why.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top 5 Things SEGA Needs to Stop Doing

One of the things I believe any long time fan of a series should start doing once in awhile (depending on the franchise) is look back and study it; where it has been, where it's at now, and what exactly your thoughts are of it considering the people behind it. Are you pleased with the direction, or do you want them to stop and think back to what actually made it interesting and unique? Do you go with the flow, buying up everything you can in hopes to support it and see it continue onwards or are you constantly unsure with where your loyalties lie because it has become increasingly questionable about who's holding the reigns of your beloved stories of adventure, action, lust/romance, etc? For me I believe it's time I took a step back and thought to myself once again about Sonic The Hedgehog. The last time I wrote about him, it was when I had a realization about what kind of fan I -truly- am in the end, and thus why I buy his games. I have now reached a point where not only does the topic of Sonic The Hedgehog fill me with confusion the likes of which aren't unfamiliar with cheating on your lover whom you claimed not long ago was your 'true love', but it fills me with constant frustration and rage at his parent company: SEGA.

This, my friends is going to be me taking raw pock shots at SEGA and giving out a list: Top 5 Things SEGA Needs To Stop Doing With Sonic the Hedgehog.