Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Before This Review is Dry

You know, it's amazing what a tiny little studio can do with all the time in the world, a (relatively) decent budget, and a fiery passion to make something as crazy action packed as possible while still telling a gripping story. It's not going to blow you away by its appropriately paced 24 episodes, its unexpected underlying themes of how a woman learns to not let the fashion she wears rule or embarrass her, or the twists of that the ultimate villain is the contemporary nature of fashion itself...but rather how ALL OF THESE ELEMENTS COMBINE and within an action scene that is always in your face. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Retro Review: Sonic 3D Blast

Sonic's games are a funny experiment in watching its main house studio flop around like a Magikarp trying to figure out what best way to get gamers buying their products. The earliest 'experiment' I fondly remember playing was Dr.Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and..well.....I don't own that game anymore because of how meh it played. Sonic's 3D Blast however was a way of showing "Hey we have an idea and it may be rough around the edges...but play it and see what you think!" and you know what? It's pretty good still to this day.